臺灣醫學圖書館學會 TMLA > 最新消息 > 2023年美國醫學圖書館學會年會海報徵稿訊息,歡迎踴躍投稿!







MLA ’23: Call for Submissions: Round 1 Papers and Immersion Sessions!

The 2023 National Program Committee invites submissions for immersion sessions, papers, posters, and lightning talks. There will be two abstract submission rounds for MLA ’23:

  • Round 1: Contributed papers and immersion sessions – August 24–October 13, 2022
  • Round 2: Posters and lightning talks (December 15, 2022–January 26, 2023)

The submission site for contributed papers and immersion sessions for MLA ’23 is now open.

Contributed papers are ten- to fifteen-minute presentations that fall into two broad categories:

  • Program description abstracts describe the creation, improvement, and assessment of products, programs, technologies, administrative practices, or services conducted by librarians and information professionals.
  • Research abstracts report on designing, conducting, and analyzing a research project.

Immersion sessions are up to 90-minute “deep dives” into a single topic. The format may include interactive panel presentation, role-playing, gamification, discussions, working groups, or other audience engagement activities. Individual members, caucuses, and domain hubs are encouraged to submit.

Download the Checklist to make your abstract shine for MLA ’23!

MLA ‘23 will offer a limited number of immersion and paper sessions virtually with the majority to be held at the in-person conference in Detroit, MI. Authors will be asked to provide their preference for presenting (Live Virtual Session or In-Person Session) for papers and immersion sessions at time of submission. If selected, they will be able to provide their final preferences in January 2023.

Authors will also be asked to categorize their submissions into one of the seven MLA Areas of Practice: Clinical Support, Education, Health Equity & Global Health, Information Management, Information Services, Innovation & Research Practice, and Professionalism & Leadership. The 2023 National Program Committee will then use these categories to organize and schedule meeting content.

Acceptance notices for papers and immersion sessions will be sent December 6. Abstracts that are not accepted in Round 1 can be resubmitted for poster and lightning talks in Round 2. Acceptance notices for posters and lightning talks will be sent February 28, 2023.

The two rounds for abstract submissions allow reviewers to provide feedback to authors and give those whose submissions were not accepted in the first round the opportunity to review feedback and resubmit their proposals as posters or lightning talks.

The due date for Round 1 submissions is October 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., central time. Please enter your submission early to avoid a last-minute rush and allow time for any assistance.

Find additional information in the MLA ’23 FAQ: Papers, Posters, Lightning Talks, and Immersion Sessions.