臺灣醫學圖書館學會 TMLA > 最新消息 > Call for Nominations: IFLA MLAS Standing Committee (SC)

Call for Nominations: IFLA MLAS Standing Committee (SC)

IFLA MLAS 將舉辦新屆期常務委員提名改選,歡迎有興趣的同道夥伴於報名截止前向本會推薦或自薦。



Dear colleagues and friends from MLAS,


The nomination for the MLAS Standing Committee (SC) is still open for about a week until next Friday, 24 February, 5 pm CET. At the moment, there are not yet a corresponding number of nominations for all vacant positions.


In particular, board members or office staff of national library associations can benefit a lot from serving on this committee for their own work. I can only encourage you to get in touch.


We will be happy to answer any questions and provide support. You can contact me as outgoing chair ( or contact a member of the current SC. You will find the relevant mail contacts on this website: Management of Library Associations Section – IFLA