臺灣醫學圖書館學會 TMLA > 最新消息 > Call for Volunteers: Kolovai Public Library, Kingdom of Tonga

Call for Volunteers: Kolovai Public Library, Kingdom of Tonga



Dear colleagues,


The very first public library in the Kingdom of Tonga, Kolovai Public Library, is seeking support in areas including cataloguing, organising activities and encouraging the public to borrow books.


Other than free accommodation, the library offers Wi-Fi, computers, laptops, landline and mobile phone for volunteers’ use. Coffee, tea, lemon grass drink fresh from the garden are available as well.


Find out more about the library at and libraries Aotearoa news – Libraries Aotearoa.


Colleagues who are interested in volunteering at the library could contact Kahoa & Brendan Corbett at or +64210746996 for more details.


Best regards,

IFLA Regional Office for Asia and Oceania (on behalf of the Kolovai Public Library)